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Guilty of Good Parenting?

Any parents feel guilty at the end of the day? Maybe you could've handled yourself better in front of the kids when you lost your cool, or maybe you didn't meet certain goals, and you feel guilty for wanting to have a break from parenting for a week. Perhaps, you feel guilty for wanting to relive the days when you had no kids. Maybe, you would've focused on school or your career before you had kids instead of people who weren't going to matter anyway. Maybe, you regret not finishing the simple things you started and now that you are a parent you feel stuck, and you feel frustrated, and you feel guilty about that. You didn't say, "I love you" or "I'm proud of you!" Maybe you got so caught up with work or your phone that you didn't realize your kids were silently begging for your attention until it turned into them acting out. Maybe you just dont feel good enough. You're either too strong or you're too weak. Sometimes, you might even feel guilty for feeling guilty because of all of these thoughts that rush you all at once.

It's ok, my parent friend....if you feel guilty at the end of the day it only means that you CARE ENOUGH to EVEN consider all the things you want to do better and how you desire to be better. It's a healthy thing to feel, but manage it, and don't let guilt rule over you. It takes a GOOD parent to even consider being a bad parent. Think of it this way, "bad" parents don't wonder if they're bad parents. It's those exhausted, depleted moms and dads that end the day wondering what they could've done better and sweating all the small stuff they missed. If that's YOU, I'd like to be the first to tell you that you're doing an amazing job, and no one is more qualified to parent your child than you are. Just consider all those things you feel bad about, rest, then start over the next day. 💟💟💟💟

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